You can grab a 59 block card raw image from an unofficial card and modify it so you can restore it to your blocks official card, mantaining the serial number of the card so your protected savegames still work. Please note that all unofficial cards share the same Flash ID which is different from the serial number , allowing raw image restoring between unofficial cards as long as they are the same size. If you already have the channel installed, just copy over the apps folder included in the archive into the root of your SD card. The user will be prompted at startup for which device to use. Views Read View source View history. This article may require cleanup to meet WiiBrew's quality standards.
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Views Read View source View history. GCMM is a project started by dsbomb and justb, which is based on Askot's modification to add SD support to the mcbackup libogc example.
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Homebrew system tools Open source homebrew Homebrew in Homebrew Browser. The user will be prompted at startup for which device to use. Restoring a raw image to a diferent card won't work, it has to be the same card it will work even if the card was formatted. You can load gcmm via sdload and an SD card in slot A, or by streaming it to your Gamecube, or by booting a bootable DVD with gcmm on it. To be confirmed if some protected savegames also rely on the block number the savefile starts or how many blocks where occupied before the savegame was created.
This article may require cleanup to meet WiiBrew's quality standards. These limitations can be solved with Raw Tools. This gcm just for information, as since GCMM 1.
A good source for information on these topics is at http: Navigation menu Personal tools Gfmm account Log in. If you already have the channel installed, just copy over the apps folder included in the archive into the root of your SD card. Retrieved from " https: Note that unofficial cards share the same Flash ID, which allows restoring raw images between unofficial cards as long as they have the same size.
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser. Needs cleanup and linked ZIP is 1.

Gfmm has updated the code to newest libraries to port it to the Wii system, and what I find more important: The most popular method of running homebrew on the Wii is through the HBC. Community Hackmii Other sites. A raw image is a 1: If you haven't installed the Homebrew Channel yet, read about how to here.
If .14 selected device isn't available, GCMM will try to use the other device i.
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Memory card can be in either slot. This page was last edited on 23 Septemberat It can only be restored to the vcmm it was made from.
You can grab a 59 block card raw image from an unofficial card and modify it so you can restore it to your blocks official card, mantaining the serial number of the card so your protected savegames still work. At the moment creating gcmm raw image is possible thanks to Masken, but there are still problems when restoring.
Please note that all unofficial cards share the same Flash ID which is different from the serial numberallowing raw image restoring between unofficial cards as long as they are the same size.
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