NET Framework v4 is required to run the Dwarf Fortress Config utility, so you should try installing that if you can't get the util to run. The picked berries now show twice has many berries. You can switch between windowed and fullscreen, ingame, by pressing the F11 button. Phoebus on April 02, , Added a new grimdark tileset with dark plants, trees, grass and rough ground. The sand wall tile is now darker with much better contrast. dwarf fortress phoebus tileset

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Phoebus' Graphic Set v for DF v (Old version)

Updated the background texture of all creatures. It has improved fortrees and the color brown! Changed the tile for jellyfish, mussel and oyster.

Added graphics for several new creatures. Retrieved from " https: Sphr is to thank for the vast majority of the units. Deon on May 17, May 18, Sadly, there were several issues I had with that one. Dimmed floor engravings slightly. Beefmo page on DFFD.

DF2014:Graphics set repository

NET Framework v4 is required to run the Dwarf Fortress Config utility, so you should try installing that if you can't get the util to run. Upgraded the tile for pot and directional arrows.

January 10, Sharp looking, vanilla styled tilesets that strive to strike a good balance between nice, attractive graphics, while avoiding odd firtress oddities. Fixed some of the plants color entries.

Obsidian is volcanic and the most valuable stone. Fixed giant Leopards and Jaguars graphics. This graphic and tileset is still very much a WIP. But did not find tileset, looking even a littlebit like in trailer. This ground is fortrezs gold-plated too, the ground from Ironhand's set is too dark, so open space is phoebuus to spot than the ground.

dwarf fortress phoebus tileset

Sharp looking, vanilla styled tilesets that strive to strike a good balance between nice, attractive graphics, while avoiding odd graphical oddities. Made by krenshala 0.

Very impressive for some reason, these dwarves are well-drawn and clean, imho. Everything looks fine but the dwarves, all dwarves beside the miners and medics are ugly, what should I do?

dwarf fortress phoebus tileset

Added 'Brighter Low-Sky' option. Changed the color of Limestone and Marble. Improved the root plants tile.

Cruxador View Profile View Posts. That was a 40d feature and will come with the merge.

dwarf fortress phoebus tileset

The Tileset Assembler now has a preview screen. Changed the tile for large pots; bowyer workshops will be affected. Thanks for the update!

The tile for eggs has been changed. All units now have a ground backdrop. Magnut has created the tiles for the new v0.
